DX - Chaise - nom de la chaise

Seattle bar back - Checker plate
Sketchup ico
Seattle bar back - Checker plate

Seattle bar back - Checker plate

In summary
  • Instagram Delivery and installation by DX
  • Instagram Pick-up available
  • Instagram Indoor and outdoor use


The Seattle shelf matches perfectly with the Manhattan bar collection or with the Tonic cocktail tables. It is stable and wide, allowing your bar staff to arrange their glasses, your caterer to set up his equipment or your reception staff to store the guests' gifts. Add an Empire box for extra height or for display purposes. Distance between the shelves is not adjustable.
Dimensions po - cm
Width 24.0"
Depth 24.0"
Height 72.0"
Additional details
Color Acier
Materials Stainless, Acier, Checker plate
Indoor and outdoor use Yes
